Irradiated Lab Hamster Growth and Breeding Diet

Hamster 226 0

Irradiated Lab Hamster Growth and Breeding Diet is a complete life cycle formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of growth, breeding and lactation of lab hamsters. This is formulated using constant formulation, delivering comprehensive nutrition. This diet conforms to standards of GB14924.1 Laboratory animals-General quality standard for formula feeds、GB14924.2 Laboratory animals-Hygienic standard for formula feeds、GB14924.3 Laboratory animals-Nutrients for formula feeds and GB13078 Hygienical standard for feeds .

Product Number:1010046

Shape:Cylinder pellet

Product Assortment

SPF level (Irradiated sterilization):2kg*10 bag / box

Shelf-life:Six months from date of production

Product Storage Condition:Suggested storage temperature 0-30 ° C, humidity 35% -75%.

Feeding Directions

Feed ad libitum or restricted to rats and mice. Plenty of fresh, clean water should be available to the animals at all times.

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