Lab Canine Growth and Breeding Diet (Canine Farm)

Canine 208 0

Lab Canine Growth and Breeding Diet(Canine Farm) is specially designed for the growth and breeding period of Lab Canine at the canine farm. The diet is formulated using high-energy formulation, delivering Constant Nutrition.This is paired with the selection of highest quality ingredients. This diet conforms to GB14924.1 Laboratory animals General quality standard for formula feeds ,GB14924.2 Laboratory animals-Hygienic standard for formula feeds , GB14924.3 Laboratory animals—Nutrients for formula feeds and GB13078 Hygienical standard for feeds .

Product Number:1049036

Form: Triangular puffed particles

Product assortment:common level 20kg / bag

Shelf-life:Six months from date of production

Product Storage Condition:Suggested storage temperature 0-30 ° C, humidity 35% -75%.

Feeding Directions

In order to prevent the stress reaction,the suggestion is to change  diet gradually and over 7 days.

Choose free feeding or restricted feeding according to the actual situation.

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